For those seeking a synaesthesia definition, it is a perceptual condition that few people have that causes stimulation of one sense due to the stimulation of a different unrelated sense.
These could be a mixture between all senses – touch, sound, taste, vision, and smell.
Those with synaesthesia may attach colors to the days of the week, or see textures when they hear words. This condition affects about 4 percent of the population.
Testing for Synaesthesia
There are tests you can take that will let you know if you have this condition as well as some helpful tools that can provide more information on synaesthesia.
It is important to understand that conducting a synaesthesia test can be incredibly difficult to do. Due to the way our mind works, some connections between senses work within the bounds of normality, and what would be an indication that you could have this condition. This helpful test can lead you in the right direction if you are interested in finding out more information.
Examples of Synaesthesia
Here are some synaesthesia examples:
1. Mirror-touch synaesthesia
This type of synaesthesia is when you feel the same sensation that other people feel and mirror the sensation from another person.
It is an interesting form of synaesthesia because around 30% of people that do not have synaesthesia can have a mild form of this condition. An example of this could be feeling pain as you watch someone else experience it.
2. Misophonia
There are several kinds of synaesthesia that can be considered harmless or even beneficial. Misophonia is one of the tougher kinds of synesthesia. It is a condition where sound triggers a severe and negative response. This kind of response can trigger anger, fear, or disgust. These sounds can be specific to each individual, and can be as small as people eating or breathing.
3. Number- Form Synaesthesia
This form of synaesthesia is a result of parts of the brain that process numbers and spatial representations being somewhat close together. A person with this condition will see number visual maps in their minds. This is incredibly rare of a form synesthesia.
4. Chromesthesia
This kind of synaesthesia that mixes sounds and color. People hear sounds and associate them with colors. Some only have this response when they hear the words being spoken. Others are affected even with reading written words.
Sometimes people actually see these colors out in front of them, and others see them in their actual mind. Also, when the words are spoken, some people have different colors associated with pitch and tones.
Synaesthesia is a condition that can affect a few people in interesting ways. It can be a condition that ranges from completely benign to truly disruptive. If you discover that you might have synesthesia, then you should talk to a doctor.
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